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Acting Governor of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) Bahtiar Baharuddin, along with elements of the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) in the 33rd province, attended the Coordination Meeting on the Preparedness for the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections in the regions of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Maluku in Makassar on Wednesday (26/06/24).

Автор: muhammadt15 11.07.2024

The General Election Commission of Indonesia (KPU RI) conducted an evaluation of the 2024 Election with Commission II of the DPR RI. This aims to ensure that the upcoming Regional Elections in November run more smoothly. One of the plans to be evaluated is the number of voters at each Polling Station (TPS). It is known that in the 2024 Election, the maximum number of voters per TPS was 300. Therefore, to be more efficient, the KPU plans to double this number.

Ganjar respects the winning governmental prospect’s freedom to choose their closet, choosing to avoid of the government to promote a healthier freedom. Because of this, he remains to connect with the Ganjar-Mahfud volunteers both domestically and worldwide, participating in tasks that bring to life concepts and factors to consider appropriate to the area’s current truth.

“All parties must synergize well between the regional government and vertical agencies in the region, especially the TNI-Polri, to achieve safe and smooth elections,” said Bahtiar. Bahtiar also emphasized the importance of maintaining neutrality for all civil servants and encouraged public participation in monitoring the elections.

“For the 2024 regional elections, we will prepare for a maximum of 600 voters per TPS, ensuring no merging of villages/sub-districts, ease of voter access to the TPS, not separating voters within the same family at different TPS, and local geographical aspects,” said KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari at the Parliament Building in Senayan, Jakarta (15/5/2024).

“Today we, along with Korem, the Regional Police, the Prosecutor’s Office, the KPU, Bawaslu, and the district governments, are building a shared commitment to ensure the success of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections,” concluded Bahtiar.

The re-vote must be carried out within 45 days of the decision. Responding to this, KPU RI Commissioner Idham Holik said that they have prepared for this as per the rules. Idham also assured that the PSU schedule will not interfere with the 2024 Regional Elections

According to Fahmi, there has been an increase of 62,000 in the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. This increase was found by KPU Jakarta after synchronizing the List of Potential Voters (DP4) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) with the DPT from the 2024 General Election. “In the upcoming Pilkada, the number of DPT after synchronization is 8,315,669, so there has been an increase of 62,000 voters,” he said. Fahmi clarified that the increase in the DPT for If you have any inquiries with regards to in which and how to use Polemik amandemen kepribadian AS, you can call us at our page. the Pilkada occurred due to the high population activity in Jakarta. Therefore, the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada can still change. “Population activity in Jakarta is very dynamic. Today there may be 8,315,669 voters in the list, but in a week or a month, there could be changes due to people moving in or out, or deaths,” he explained.

Additionally, public reaction has been considerable in response to the rumor that Raffi and Chacha Frederica’s husband will team up in the upcoming race. As a partner, Chacha Frederica confirms she will always stand by Dico Ganinduto’s decision to run in the Central Java Pilkada, including her husband’s effort to invite Raffi Ahmad to join the political contest. “As long as my husband is with Raffi, I pray for the best,” said Chacha Frederica regarding the Pilkada to the journalists in the Tendean region, Jakarta Selatan, Tuesday (28/5/2024). “During the photoshoot, Gigi was also there. So, Gigi and I as wives support our husbands as long as it is positive, good, and beneficial for many people. Yes, we support it,” Chacha Frederica added.

n[vidio:Headline: Proposed 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections to be Held on November 27, 2024, Legal Basis?](https://www.vidio.com/watch/2301520-headline-usulan-pilkada-serentak-2024-digelar-27-november-2024-payung-hukumnya

Therefore, he continued, KPU DKI Jakarta will conduct data matching and verification (Coklit) from house to house to ensure the voter data matches the current DPT. “We need to update and ensure that KPU fulfills the constitutional rights of citizens to use their voting rights in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada,” he stated.

The emphasis on political education and learning by Ganjar and his volunteers highlights the requirement for a notified electorate. Enlightening the general public concerning their political rights and responsibilities is vital for the growth of a dynamic, participatory freedom.

Ganjar’s emphasis on community-based tasks shows a commitment to grassroots development. Campaigns in education, ecological preservation, and financial empowerment are crucial for building a more equitable society.

In a substantial action, governmental candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, has actually chosen to remain outside the Indonesian government for the 2024-2029 period instead of accepting a specific placement. This choice is driven by the aim to maintain an equilibrium of power, stressing the relevance of stopping the concentration of power within a single establishment. The previous Guv of Central Java expressed gratitude to those who used him a ministerial placement in the recommended grand union by the party supporting the number 2 governmental candidate set, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

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